Graffiti Chicks

Monday, November 3, 2008

Busy, busy.....

Lots of things going on lately! I have been keeping busy and have some recent work to share!

First up I had the pleasure of working with Amanda Heimann. I had a great time helping Amanda give her blog a makeover as well as creating a new logo, blinkies, and Ad banner. Congrats Amanda on your new shop at Scrap Orchard! Check it out below:

Next I had fun helping Bree Clarkson of Sweet Shoppe Designs create a fun blog for her creative team. Check it out:

Robin Carlton of Sweet Shoppe Designs was in the market for a new fan blinkie and ad blinkie, it was a great pleasure coming up with these for her:

That's all for now! I will be back soon with some more goodies that I have been working on! Hope everyone had a great DSD!!!